Herbaceous essential oils are mostly known for their healing properties, and strong earthy and fresh aromas. Being among the most versatile family of essential oils, discover their potential inside your kit of must-have essential oils. 

The Australian Eucalyptus Essential Oil has been traditionally been used to relieve muscular aches and pains. It can help to reduce inflammation and swelling, something which athletes and sports enthusiasts are particularly fond of.
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$ 11.00 AUD
The Rosemary is known as one of the most powerful essential oils on the planet. Its analgesic properties work impeccably on stiff muscles, easing pain and inflammation. Place up to 8 drops in the water-filled compartment.
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$ 14.00 AUD
Lemongrass is a cheerful bright, fresh, grassy-lemon citrus essential oil with delicate earthy undertones. It could be of great help as an analgesic, mood booster, natural deodorant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, astringent, sedative and many more.
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$ 12.00 AUD
Tea Tree Organic Essential oil is one of Australia's oldest native plant medicines & is known for its potential antiseptic properties, which have the ability to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi, - making it one of the best essential oils to have in your medicine kit.
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This product is currently sold out.
$ 12.00 AUD
$ 21.00 AUD

Kunzea Essential Oil

This Australian native essential oil is from the beautiful lands of North East Tasmania. Some of Tasmania’s native animals like to rest under the Kunzea plants, believed to be beneficial in keeping ticks and parasites away.
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$ 21.00 AUD

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